P?rez-Pedrogo C, Mart?nez-Taboas A, Gonz?lez RA, Caraballo JN, Albizu-Garc?a CE. Sex differences in traumatic events and psychiatric morbidity associated to probable posttraumatic stress disorder among Latino prisoners. Psychiatry Res. 2018 07; 265:208-214.
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2 Fields:
Caraballo, J.N., Pérez-Pedrogo, C., Albizu, C. . International Journal of Prisoner Health. Assessing Posttraumatic stress symptoms in a Latino Prison Population. 2013; 4(9):196-207.
Pérez-Pedrogo, C., Cumba, E. & Sayers, S. Revista ANALISIS. Eficacia inicial de una intervención socio-cognitiva para padres y madres de niños y niñas de descendencia puertorriqueña con conductas de alto riesgo [Initial efficacy of a socio/cognitive intervention for parents of Puerto Rican children with disruptive behaviors]. 2012; 1(XIII):95-111.
Vera, M., Juarbe, D., Hernández, N., Obén, A., Pérez-Pedrogo, C. & Chaplin, W. . Journal of Depression and Anxiety. Probable Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and psychiatric co-morbidity among Latino primary care patients in Puerto Rico. 2012; (1):124.
Vera M, Reyes-Rabanillo ML, Juarbe D, P?rez-Pedrogo C, Olmo A, Kichic R, Chaplin WF. Prolonged exposure for the treatment of Spanish-speaking Puerto Ricans with posttraumatic stress disorder: a feasibility study. BMC Res Notes. 2011 Oct 17; 4:415.
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Vera M, Reyes-Rabanillo ML, Huertas S, Juarbe D, P?rez-Pedrogo C, Huertas A, Pe?a M. Suicide ideation, plans, and attempts among general practice patients with chronic health conditions in Puerto Rico. Int J Gen Med. 2011 Mar 11; 4:197-205.
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Pérez Pedrogo, C. & Martínez Taboas, A. Revista Salud & Sociedad. Factores asociados a sintomatologia depresiva en adultos/as puertorriqueños/as con diabetes y el impacto en el autocuidado y en la autoeficacia. [Factors associated to depressive symptomatology in Puerto Rican adults with diabetes and the impact in self-care and self-efficacy]. 2011; (2):44-61.
Martínez, D., Caro, W. & Pérez-Pedrogo, C. Ciencias de la Conducta. Estudio Comparativo de la Autoestima y la Estatura Alta en Atletas Puertorriqueños de Alto Rendimiento [A Comparative Study of Self-Esteem and High Stature in Puerto Rican Athletes]. 2010; 1(25):103-114.
Vera, M., Pérez-Pedrogo, C., Huertas, S., Rabanillo-Reyes, M., Juarbe, D., Huertas, A., Reyes, M.L. & Chaplin, W. . Psychiatric Services. Collaborative care for the treatment of depression in primary care practice: A randomized trial in Puerto Rico. 2010; 2(61):144-150.
Cabiya, J., Padilla, L. Sayers, S., Pedroza, O., Pérez-Pedrogo, C. & Manzano, J. Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal. Relationship between aggressive behavior, depressed mood, and other disruptive behavior in Puerto Rican children diagnosed with Attention Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders. 2007; 1(26):43-49.
Martínez-Taboas, A. & Pérez-Pedrogo, C. Revista Puertorriqueña de Psicología. Las revistas de psicología en Puerto Rico: Una breve mirada histórica. [The journals of psychology in Puerto Rico: A brief look history]. 2006; (17):571-589.