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Search Results (113)

Controlled cortical impact before or after fear conditioning does not affect fear extinction in mice.Academic Article Why?
Contextual fear conditioning depresses infralimbic excitability.Academic Article Why?
Fischer 344 rats display age-related memory deficits in trace fear conditioning.Academic Article Why?
Regulation of presynaptic Ca2+, synaptic plasticity and contextual fear conditioning by a N-terminal ?-amyloid fragment.Academic Article Why?
Alcohol exposure reverses fear conditioning-induced change in endocannabinoid signalingGrant Why?
Altered Cerebellar Activity in Visceral Pain-Related Fear Conditioning in Irritable Bowel Syndrome.Academic Article Why?
Fear conditioning and extinction differentially modify the intrinsic excitability of infralimbic neurons.Academic Article Why?
Quirk, Gregory J.Person Why?
Prefrontal amygdala interactions in fear conditioningGrant Why?
Predator odor fear conditioning: current perspectives and new directions.Academic Article Why?
Reducing FKBP51 Expression in the Ventral Hippocampus Decreases Auditory Fear Conditioning in Male Rats.Academic Article Why?
Impacts of sex and the estrous cycle on associations between post-fear conditioning sleep and fear memory recall.Academic Article Why?
Correlations between psychological tests and physiological responses during fear conditioning and renewal.Academic Article Why?
Stress-induced enhancement of fear conditioning and sensitization facilitates extinction-resistant and habituation-resistant fear behaviors in a novel animal model of posttraumatic stress disorder.Academic Article Why?
Porter, JamesPerson Why?
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RCMI CC is supported by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health (NIH), through Grant Number U24MD015970. The contents of this site are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH

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