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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Pelham, William
Item TypeName
Concept Treatment Outcome
Academic Article Which treatment for whom for ADHD? Moderators of treatment response in the MTA.
Academic Article A dose-ranging study of a methylphenidate transdermal system in children with ADHD.
Academic Article Transdermal methylphenidate, behavioral, and combined treatment for children with ADHD.
Academic Article A pilot study of the feasibility and efficacy of the Strategies to Enhance Positive Parenting (STEPP) program for single mothers of children with ADHD.
Academic Article Social information processing in elementary-school aged children with ADHD: medication effects and comparisons with typical children.
Academic Article A meta-analysis of behavioral treatments for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Academic Article Short-term effect of American summer treatment program for Japanese children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Academic Article A comparison of behavioral parent training programs for fathers of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Academic Article Medication adherence in the MTA: saliva methylphenidate samples versus parent report and mediating effect of concomitant behavioral treatment.
Academic Article Parent-reported homework problems in the MTA study: evidence for sustained improvement with behavioral treatment.
Academic Article Effects of atomoxetine with and without behavior therapy on the school and home functioning of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Academic Article A discrete choice conjoint experiment to evaluate parent preferences for treatment of young, medication naive children with ADHD.
Academic Article Reinforcement and Stimulant Medication Ameliorate Deficient Response Inhibition in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
Academic Article Clonidine for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: I. Efficacy and tolerability outcomes.
Academic Article Behavior and peer status in children with ADHD: continuity and change.
Academic Article Secondary evaluations of MTA 36-month outcomes: propensity score and growth mixture model analyses.
Academic Article Delinquent behavior and emerging substance use in the MTA at 36 months: prevalence, course, and treatment effects.
Academic Article Effects of methylphenidate on discounting of delayed rewards in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Academic Article Treatment response in CP/ADHD children with callous/unemotional traits.
Academic Article Subtypes of aggression in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: medication effects and comparison with typical children.
Academic Article Efficacy of a methylphenidate transdermal system versus t.i.d. methylphenidate in a laboratory setting.
Academic Article Treatment response to an intensive summer treatment program for adolescents with ADHD.
Academic Article A comparison of atomoxetine administered as once versus twice daily dosing on the school and home functioning of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Academic Article Music and video as distractors for boys with ADHD in the classroom: comparison with controls, individual differences, and medication effects.
Academic Article The effect of video feedback on the social behavior of an adolescent with ADHD.
Academic Article Differential Response to Methylphenidate in Inattentive and Combined Subtype ADHD.
Academic Article Adolescent substance use in the multimodal treatment study of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (MTA) as a function of childhood ADHD, random assignment to childhood treatments, and subsequent medication.
Academic Article The Effectiveness of Short- and Long-Acting Stimulant Medications for Adolescents With ADHD in a Naturalistic Secondary School Setting.
Academic Article A novel group therapy for children with ADHD and severe mood dysregulation.
Academic Article A waitlist-controlled trial of behavioral parent training for fathers of children with ADHD.
Academic Article Evaluating a comprehensive strategy to improve engagement to group-based behavioral parent training for high-risk families of children with ADHD.
Academic Article Effects of behavioral and pharmacological therapies on peer reinforcement of deviancy in children with ADHD-only, ADHD and conduct problems, and controls.
Academic Article The Effectiveness and Tolerability of Central Nervous System Stimulants in School-Age Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder Across Home and School.
Academic Article Treatment Sequencing for Childhood ADHD: A Multiple-Randomization Study of Adaptive Medication and Behavioral Interventions.
Academic Article A Randomized Clinical Trial of an Integrative Group Therapy for Children With Severe Mood Dysregulation.
Academic Article A Randomized Controlled Trial of Interventions for Growth Suppression in Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Treated With Central Nervous System Stimulants.
Academic Article Comparing dynamic treatment regimes using repeated-measures outcomes: modeling considerations in SMART studies.
Academic Article Parent-teen behavior therapy + motivational interviewing for adolescents with ADHD.
Academic Article Improving homework performance among children with ADHD: A randomized clinical trial.
Academic Article Functional Outcomes of Young Adults with Childhood ADHD: A Latent Profile Analysis.
Academic Article Baseline performance moderates stimulant effects on cognition in youth with ADHD.
Academic Article Socioeconomic status as a moderator of ADHD treatment outcomes.
Academic Article Cost-effectiveness of ADHD treatments: findings from the multimodal treatment study of children with ADHD.
Academic Article Assessing medication effects in the MTA study using neuropsychological outcomes.
Academic Article Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder moderates the life stress pathway to alcohol problems in children of alcoholics.
Academic Article The Behavior Education Support and Treatment (BEST) school intervention program: pilot project data examining schoolwide, targeted-school, and targeted-home approaches.
Academic Article An evaluation of the effect of methylphenidate on working memory, time perception, and choice impulsivity in children with ADHD.
Academic Article Cognitive mechanisms of methylphenidate in ADHD: Do improvements in sustained attention mediate behavioral improvements in the natural environment?
Academic Article The effect of stimulant medication on the learning of academic curricula in children with ADHD: A randomized crossover study.
Academic Article High Versus Low Intensity Summer Adolescent ADHD Treatment Effects on Internalizing, Social, and Self-Esteem Problems.
Search Criteria
  • Treatment Outcome
RCMI CC is supported by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health (NIH), through Grant Number U24MD015970. The contents of this site are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH

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