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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Pelham, William
Item TypeName
Concept Adolescent
Concept Adolescent Behavior
Concept Adolescent Development
Grant Intervention for Teens with ADHD and Substance Use
Grant Examining Tolerance to CNS Stimulants in ADD
Grant Increasing Academic Success in Middle School Students with ADHD
Grant Training Program in Adolescent Substance Use Disorders and Co-Occurring Mental and Behavioral Disorders
Grant Development of Drug Use and Abuse in ADHD Adolescents
Grant Improving Medication Adherence in ADHD Adolescents
Academic Article Dosage effects of methylphenidate on the social behavior of adolescents diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Academic Article The reliability, validity, and unique contributions of self-report by adolescents receiving treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Academic Article Evidence-based treatment for mental disorders in children and adolescents.
Academic Article Reactive aggression in boys with disruptive behavior disorders: behavior, physiology, and affect.
Academic Article ADHD treatment with once-daily OROS methylphenidate: interim 12-month results from a long-term open-label study.
Academic Article Childhood predictors of adolescent substance use in a longitudinal study of children with ADHD.
Academic Article Childhood ADHD and adolescent substance use: an examination of deviant peer group affiliation as a risk factor.
Academic Article Childhood ADHD predicts risky sexual behavior in young adulthood.
Academic Article The economic impact of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents.
Academic Article Are there sex differences in the predictive validity of DSM-IV ADHD among younger children?
Academic Article A pilot study of the feasibility and efficacy of the Strategies to Enhance Positive Parenting (STEPP) program for single mothers of children with ADHD.
Academic Article Mother and Adolescent Reports of Interparental Discord among Parents of Adolescents with and without Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Academic Article Very early predictors of adolescent depression and suicide attempts in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Academic Article The academic experience of male high school students with ADHD.
Academic Article Young adult educational and vocational outcomes of children diagnosed with ADHD.
Academic Article Implications of changes for the field: ADHD.
Academic Article Motorsports involvement among adolescents and young adults with childhood ADHD.
Academic Article Attributions and Perception of Methylphenidate Effects in Adolescents With ADHD.
Academic Article Concordance between parent and physician medication histories for children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Academic Article The role of early childhood ADHD and subsequent CD in the initiation and escalation of adolescent cigarette, alcohol, and marijuana use.
Academic Article Summer treatment programs for youth with ADHD.
Academic Article Risky driving in adolescents and young adults with childhood ADHD.
Academic Article Behavior and peer status in children with ADHD: continuity and change.
Academic Article The economic impact of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents.
Academic Article Delinquent behavior and emerging substance use in the MTA at 36 months: prevalence, course, and treatment effects.
Academic Article Dopamine-related genotypes and the dose-response effect of methylphenidate on eating in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder youths.
Academic Article Rate and predictors of divorce among parents of youths with ADHD.
Academic Article ADHD status and degree of positive illusions: moderational and mediational relations with actual behavior.
Academic Article Interactions between early parenting and a polymorphism of the child's dopamine transporter gene in predicting future child conduct disorder symptoms.
Academic Article Inconsistent self-report of delinquency by adolescents and young adults with ADHD.
Academic Article Child effects on communication between parents of youth with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Academic Article Late adolescent and young adult outcomes of girls diagnosed with ADHD in childhood: an exploratory investigation.
Academic Article Risk of intimate partner violence among young adult males with childhood ADHD.
Academic Article Diagnosing ADHD in adolescence.
Academic Article Substance use and delinquency among adolescents with childhood ADHD: the protective role of parenting.
Academic Article Treatment response to an intensive summer treatment program for adolescents with ADHD.
Academic Article The effect of video feedback on the social behavior of an adolescent with ADHD.
Academic Article Maternal ADHD, Parenting, and Psychopathology Among Mothers of Adolescents With ADHD.
Academic Article Differential Response to Methylphenidate in Inattentive and Combined Subtype ADHD.
Academic Article The effects of single versus mixed gender treatment for adolescent girls with ADHD.
Academic Article Adolescent substance use in the multimodal treatment study of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (MTA) as a function of childhood ADHD, random assignment to childhood treatments, and subsequent medication.
Academic Article The Effectiveness of Short- and Long-Acting Stimulant Medications for Adolescents With ADHD in a Naturalistic Secondary School Setting.
Academic Article When diagnosing ADHD in young adults emphasize informant reports, DSM items, and impairment.
Academic Article Childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and growth in adolescent alcohol use: the roles of functional impairments, ADHD symptom persistence, and parental knowledge.
Academic Article Differential associations between alcohol expectancies and adolescent alcohol use as a function of childhood ADHD.
Academic Article Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and risk of substance use disorder: developmental considerations, potential pathways, and opportunities for research.
Academic Article Stress-induced drinking in parents of boys with attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder: heterogeneous groups in an experimental study of adult-child interactions.
Academic Article Acute Effects of MPH on the Parent-Teen Interactions of Adolescents With ADHD.
Academic Article A pilot study of stimulant medication for adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who are parents of adolescents with ADHD: the acute effects of stimulant medication on observed parent-adolescent interactions.
Academic Article Heavy alcohol use in early adulthood as a function of childhood ADHD: developmentally specific mediation by social impairment and delinquency.
Academic Article Does Childhood Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Predict Levels of Depressive Symptoms during Emerging Adulthood?
Academic Article Change over time in adolescent and friend alcohol use: Differential associations for youth with and without childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Academic Article Financial Dependence of Young Adults with Childhood ADHD.
Academic Article ADHD and Marijuana-Use Expectancies in Young Adulthood.
Academic Article Examining Parents' Preferences for Group and Individual Parent Training for Children with ADHD Symptoms.
Academic Article Cigarette smoking and ADHD: An examination of prognostically relevant smoking behaviors among adolescents and young adults.
Academic Article Antisocial Alcoholism in Parents of Adolescents and Young Adults With Childhood ADHD.
Academic Article The Effects of Stimulant Medication and Training on Sports Competence Among Children With ADHD.
Academic Article High versus Low Intensity Summer Treatment for ADHD Delivered at Secondary School Transitions.
Academic Article A Commercial Insurance Claims Analysis of Correlates of Behavioral Therapy Use Among Children With ADHD.
Academic Article Specificity of expectancies prospectively predicting alcohol and marijuana use in adulthood in the Pittsburgh ADHD longitudinal study.
Academic Article Family Burden of Raising a Child with ADHD.
Academic Article A school consultation intervention for adolescents with ADHD: barriers and implementation strategies.
Academic Article Beers with Peers: Childhood ADHD and Risk for Correlated Change in Perceived Peer and Personal Alcohol Use Across Young Adulthood.
Academic Article A Preliminary Evaluation of the Utility of Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Symptoms in Predicting Behavioral Treatment Response in Children with Behavioral Difficulties.
Academic Article Positive Bias in Teenage Drivers With ADHD Within a Simulated Driving Task.
Academic Article Comparing dynamic treatment regimes using repeated-measures outcomes: modeling considerations in SMART studies.
Academic Article Predictors of adolescent outcomes among 4-6-year-old children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Academic Article The indirect effects of childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder on alcohol problems in adulthood through unique facets of impulsivity.
Academic Article Parent-teen behavior therapy + motivational interviewing for adolescents with ADHD.
Academic Article Efficacy of a family-focused intervention for young drivers with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Academic Article Anger-irritability as a mediator of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder risk for adolescent alcohol use and the contribution of coping skills.
Academic Article Young adult outcomes in the follow-up of the multimodal treatment study of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: symptom persistence, source discrepancy, and height suppression.
Academic Article Between- and within-person associations between negative life events and alcohol outcomes in adolescents with ADHD.
Academic Article Response Inhibition, Response Execution, and Emotion Regulation among Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
Academic Article Prospective prediction of arrests for driving under the influence from relationship patterns with family and friends in adolescence.
Academic Article Recurrence and Timing of Maternal Depression Predict Early Adolescent Functioning for Children With and Without ADHD.
Academic Article Randomized Trial of First-Line Behavioral Intervention to Reduce Need for Medication in Children with ADHD.
Academic Article Lifetime caregiver strain among mothers of adolescents and young adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Academic Article The long-term financial outcome of children diagnosed with ADHD.
Academic Article Combined Treatment for Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Brief History, the Multimodal Treatment for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Study, and the Past 20 Years of Research.
Academic Article Psychosocial Interventions for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Systematic Review with Evidence and Gap Maps.
Academic Article Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Clinical Practice Guideline for the Assessment and Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Complex Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
Academic Article The Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Clinical Practice Guideline for the Assessment and Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Complex Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Process of Care Algorithms.
Academic Article Baseline performance moderates stimulant effects on cognition in youth with ADHD.
Academic Article Four-Year Follow-Up of High versus Low Intensity Summer Treatment for Adolescents with ADHD.
Academic Article Depression in mothers and the externalizing and internalizing behavior of children: An attempt to go beyond association.
Academic Article Coping skills and parent support mediate the association between childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and adolescent cigarette use.
Academic Article Evidence-based assessment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents.
Academic Article Collecting longitudinal data through childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood: methodological challenges.
Academic Article Association of dopamine transporter genotype with disruptive behavior disorders in an eight-year longitudinal study of children and adolescents.
Academic Article Self-handicapping prior to academic-oriented tasks in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): medication effects and comparisons with controls.
Academic Article Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder moderates the life stress pathway to alcohol problems in children of alcoholics.
Academic Article Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder risk for heavy drinking and alcohol use disorder is age specific.
Academic Article Development of a school-wide behavior program in a public middle school: an illustration of deployment-focused intervention development, stage 1.
Academic Article An evaluation of the effect of methylphenidate on working memory, time perception, and choice impulsivity in children with ADHD.
Academic Article Brief report: Evaluation of working memory deficits in children with ADHD using the NIH list sorting working memory task.
Academic Article Smoking-Specific Risk Factors in Early Adulthood That Mediate Risk of Daily Smoking by Age 29 for Children with ADHD.
Academic Article Persistent attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder predicts socially oriented, but not physical/physiologically oriented, alcohol problems in early adulthood.
Academic Article Early Adolescent Substance Use Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Survey in the ABCD Study Cohort.
Academic Article Predictors of Changes in Height, Weight, and Body Mass Index After Initiation of Central Nervous System Stimulants in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Academic Article Adolescent civic engagement: Lessons from Black Lives Matter.
Academic Article Longitudinal Impact of Childhood Adversity on Early Adolescent Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the ABCD Study Cohort: Does Race or Ethnicity Moderate Findings?
Academic Article Resilience to COVID-19: Socioeconomic Disadvantage Associated With Positive Caregiver-Youth Communication and Youth Preventative Actions.
Academic Article Mind-Wandering and Childhood ADHD: Experimental Manipulations across Laboratory and Naturalistic Settings.
Academic Article Substance use patterns in 9 to 13-year-olds: Longitudinal findings from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study.
Academic Article Validating a brief screening measure for early-onset substance use during adolescence in a diverse, nationwide birth cohort.
Academic Article Parental Knowledge/Monitoring and Depressive Symptoms During Adolescence: Protective Factor or Spurious Association?
Academic Article The Pandemic's Toll on Young Adolescents: Prevention and Intervention Targets to Preserve Their Mental Health.
Academic Article Family Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Risks of Financial Insecurity and Coping.
Academic Article Resilience to COVID-19: Socioeconomic Disadvantage Associated With Higher Positive Parent-youth Communication and Youth Disease-prevention Behavior.
Academic Article Location matters: Regional variation in association of community burden of COVID-19 with caregiver and youth worry.
Academic Article Did the acute impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on drinking or nicotine use persist? Evidence from a cohort of emerging adults followed for up to nine years.
Academic Article High Versus Low Intensity Summer Adolescent ADHD Treatment Effects on Internalizing, Social, and Self-Esteem Problems.
Academic Article Paths to postsecondary education enrollment among adolescents with and without childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): A longitudinal analysis of symptom and academic trajectories.
Academic Article The protective role of secure attachment in the relationship between experiences of childhood abuse, emotion dysregulation and coping, and behavioral and mental health problems among emerging adult Black women: A moderated mediation analysis.
Academic Article Parental knowledge/monitoring and adolescent substance use: A causal relationship?
Academic Article The Impact of ADHD on Maternal Quality of Life.
Academic Article Concordance between substance use self-report and hair analysis in community-based adolescents.
Academic Article Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on screen time and sleep in early adolescents.
Academic Article Prospective associations between cannabis use and depressive symptoms across adolescence and early adulthood.
Academic Article Pandemic-Related Changes in the Prevalence of Early Adolescent Alcohol and Drug Use, 2020-2021: Data From a Multisite Cohort Study.
Academic Article How Does Parental Monitoring Reduce Adolescent Substance Use? Preliminary Tests of Two Potential Mechanisms.
Academic Article The role of perceived parent drinking motives on alcohol use among adolescents with and without childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Academic Article How Do Anger and Impulsivity Impact Fast-Food Consumption in Transitional Age Youth?
Academic Article Do traumatic events and substance use co-occur during adolescence? Testing three causal etiologic hypotheses.
Academic Article What is Parental Monitoring?
Academic Article A Comparison of Remote Versus in-Person Assessments of Substance Use and Related Constructs Among Adolescents.
Academic Article Reconceptualizing the approach to supporting students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in school settings.
Search Criteria
  • Adolescent
RCMI CC is supported by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health (NIH), through Grant Number U24MD015970. The contents of this site are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH

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