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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Assari, Shervin
Item TypeName
Concept Adolescent
Concept Adolescent Behavior
Concept Adolescent Development
Academic Article Associations between coerced anal sex and psychopathology, marital distress and non-sexual violence.
Academic Article Causes of re-hospitalization in different post kidney transplantation periods.
Academic Article Does age of recipient affect outcome of renal transplantation?
Academic Article Kidney transplantation in Afghan refugees residing in Iran: the first report of survival analysis.
Academic Article Importance of socioeconomic, clinical, and psychological factors on health-related quality of life in adolescents after kidney transplant.
Academic Article Family Economic Stress, Quality of Paternal Relationship, and Depressive Symptoms among African American Adolescent Fathers.
Academic Article Anxiety Symptoms During Adolescence Predicts Salivary Cortisol in Early Adulthood Among Blacks; Sex differences.
Academic Article Baseline Religion Involvement Predicts Subsequent Salivary Cortisol Levels Among Male But not Female Black Youth.
Academic Article The prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen and anti-hepatitis B core antibody in Iran: a population-based study.
Academic Article Health status of the patients before lung transplantation: a report from Iran.
Academic Article Holy month of Ramadan and increase in organ donation willingness.
Academic Article Is there a gender difference in associates of adolescents' lifetime illicit drug use in Tehran, Iran?
Academic Article Low parental support in late adolescence predicts obesity in young adulthood; Gender differences in a 12-year cohort of African Americans.
Academic Article Perceived Neighborhood Safety During Adolescence Predicts Subsequent Deterioration of Subjective Health Two Decades Later; Gender Differences in a Racially-Diverse Sample.
Academic Article Fear of Neighborhood Violence During Adolescence Predicts Development of Obesity a Decade Later: Gender Differences Among African Americans.
Academic Article Low Family Support and Risk of Obesity among Black Youth: Role of Gender and Ethnicity.
Academic Article The Link between Mastery and Depression among Black Adolescents; Ethnic and Gender Differences.
Academic Article Racial Discrimination during Adolescence Predicts Mental Health Deterioration in Adulthood: Gender Differences among Blacks.
Academic Article Psychological pathways from racial discrimination to cortisol in African American males and females.
Academic Article Discrimination Increases Suicidal Ideation in Black Adolescents Regardless of Ethnicity and Gender.
Academic Article Blacks' Diminished Health Return of Family Structure and Socioeconomic Status; 15?Years of Follow-up of a National Urban Sample of Youth.
Academic Article Darker Skin Tone Increases Perceived Discrimination among Male but Not Female Caribbean Black Youth.
Academic Article Perceived Discrimination among Black Youth: An 18-Year Longitudinal Study.
Academic Article Maternal Educational Attainment at Birth Promotes Future Self-Rated Health of White but Not Black Youth: A 15-Year Cohort of a National Sample.
Academic Article Family Socioeconomic Status at Birth and Youth Impulsivity at Age 15; Blacks' Diminished Return.
Academic Article Depression among Black Youth; Interaction of Class and Place.
Academic Article Perceived Discrimination and Substance Use among Caribbean Black Youth; Gender Differences.
Academic Article Does School Racial Composition Explain Why High Income Black Youth Perceive More Discrimination? A Gender Analysis.
Academic Article Pathways from racial discrimination to cortisol/DHEA imbalance: protective role of religious involvement.
Academic Article Marijuana Use and Depressive Symptoms; Gender Differences in African American Adolescents.
Academic Article Parental Educational Attainment and Chronic Medical Conditions among American Youth; Minorities' Diminished Returns.
Academic Article Teacher Discrimination Reduces School Performance of African American Youth: Role of Gender.
Academic Article Parental Educational Attainment and Black-White Adolescents' Achievement Gap: Blacks' Diminished Returns.
Academic Article Protective Effects of Parental Education Against Youth Cigarette Smoking: Diminished Returns of Blacks and Hispanics.
Academic Article Reward Responsiveness in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study: African Americans' Diminished Returns of Parental Education.
Academic Article Subjective Family Socioeconomic Status and Adolescents' Attention: Blacks' Diminished Returns.
Academic Article Diminished Returns of Parental Education in Terms of Youth School Performance: Ruling out Regression toward the Mean.
Academic Article African Americans' Diminished Returns of Parental Education on Adolescents' Depression and Suicide in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study.
Academic Article Race, Socioeconomic Status, and Sex Hormones among Male and Female American Adolescents.
Academic Article Maternal Education at Birth and Youth Breakfast Consumption at Age 15: Blacks' Diminished Returns.
Academic Article The Protective Effects of Social Support on Hypertension Among African American Adolescents Exposed to Violence.
Academic Article Youth Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Problems in the ABCD Study: Minorities' Diminished Returns of Family Income.
Academic Article Diminished Protective Effects of Household Income on Internalizing Symptoms among African American than European American Pre-Adolescents.
Academic Article Gender and Ethnic Differences in the Association Between Obesity and Depression Among Black Adolescents.
Academic Article Neighborhood Safety and Major Depressive Disorder in a National Sample of Black Youth; Gender by Ethnic Differences.
Academic Article Mental Health Service Utilization among Black Youth; Psychosocial Determinants in a National Sample.
Academic Article Depressive Symptoms During Adolescence Predict Adulthood Obesity Among Black Females.
Academic Article High Risk of Depression in High-Income African American Boys.
Academic Article "I think that's all a lie?I think It's genocide": Applying a Critical Race Praxis to Youth Perceptions of Flint Water Contamination.
Academic Article Social Determinants of Perceived Discrimination among Black Youth: Intersection of Ethnicity and Gender.
Academic Article Subjective Socioeconomic Status Moderates the Association between Discrimination and Depression in African American Youth.
Academic Article Perceived Racial Discrimination and Marijuana Use a Decade Later; Gender Differences Among Black Youth.
Academic Article Unequal Protective Effects of Parental Educational Attainment on the Body Mass Index of Black and White Youth.
Academic Article Association Between Parental Educational Attainment and Youth Outcomes and Role of Race/Ethnicity.
Academic Article Religious Social Support, Discrimination, and Psychiatric Disorders among Black Adolescents.
Academic Article Mathematical Performance of American Youth: Diminished Returns of Educational Attainment of Asian-American Parents.
Academic Article Parental Educational Attainment Differentially Boosts School Performance of American Adolescents: Minorities' Diminished Returns.
Academic Article Association of Educational Attainment and Race/Ethnicity With Exposure to Tobacco Advertisement Among US Young Adults.
Academic Article Parental educational attainment and relatives' substance use of American youth: Hispanics Diminished Returns.
Academic Article Minorities' Diminished Returns of Parental Educational Attainment on Adolescents' Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Problems.
Academic Article Parental Education on Youth Inhibitory Control in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study: Blacks' Diminished Returns.
Academic Article Place-Based Diminished Returns of Parental Educational Attainment on School Performance of Non-Hispanic White Youth.
Academic Article Family Income Mediates the Effect of Parental Education on Adolescents' Hippocampus Activation During an N-Back Memory Task.
Academic Article Parental Human Capital and Adolescents' Executive Function: Immigrants' Diminished Returns.
Academic Article Not Race or Age but Their Interaction Predicts Pre-Adolescents' Inhibitory Control.
Academic Article Dimensional Change Card Sorting of American Children: Marginalization-Related Diminished Returns of Age.
Academic Article Erratum: Subjective Family Socioeconomic Status and Adolescents' Attention: Blacks' Diminished Returns. Children 2020, 7, 80.
Academic Article Trauma-Related Psychopathology in Iraqi Refugee Youth Resettled in the United States, and Comparison With an Ethnically Similar Refugee Sample: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Academic Article Parental Education and Left Lateral Orbitofrontal Cortical Activity during N-Back Task: An fMRI Study of American Adolescents.
Academic Article Race, Family Conflict and Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors among 9-10-Year-Old American Children.
Academic Article Feasibility of Race by Sex Intersectionality Research on Suicidality in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study.
Academic Article Race, Socioeconomic Status, and Cerebellum Cortex Fractional Anisotropy in Pre-Adolescents.
Academic Article Cingulo-opercular and Cingulo-parietal Brain Networks Functional Connectivity in Pre-adolescents: Multiplicative Effects of Race, Ethnicity, and Parental Education.
Academic Article Neighbourhood tobacco retail access and tobacco use susceptibility in young adolescents in urban India.
Academic Article Social epidemiology of early adolescent problematic screen use in the United States.
Academic Article Efficacy to avoid violence and parenting: A moderated mediation of violence exposure for African American urban-dwelling boys.
Academic Article Social Epidemiology of Early Adolescent Cyberbullying in the United States.
Academic Article Do Police Encounters Increase the Risk for Cardiovascular Disease? Police Encounters and Framingham 30-Year Cardiovascular Risk Score.
Academic Article Correction: Social epidemiology of early adolescent problematic screen use in the United States.
Academic Article COVID-19 Pandemic as an Equalizer of the Health Returns of Educational Attainment for Black and White Americans.
Academic Article Neuroendocrine mechanisms in the links between early life stress, affect, and youth substance use: A conceptual model for the study of sex and gender differences.
Academic Article The link between residential stability and youth substance use: Role of stressful life events and behavioral problems.
Academic Article What is Common Becomes Normal; Black-White Variation in the Effects of Adversities on Subsequent Initiation of Tobacco and Marijuana During Transitioning into Adolescence.
Academic Article Sex Differences in the Relationship Between Nucleus Accumbens Volume and Youth Tobacco or Marijuana Use Following Stressful Life Events.
Academic Article Household Income and Subsequent Youth Tobacco Initiation: Minorities' Diminished Returns.
Academic Article Exposure to Adverse Life Events among Children Transitioning into Adolescence: Intersections of Socioeconomic Position and Race.
Academic Article Racial Differences in Biopsychosocial Pathways to Tobacco and Marijuana Use Among Youth.
Academic Article Race, Poverty Status at Birth, and DNA Methylation of Youth at Age 15.
Search Criteria
  • Adolescent
RCMI CC is supported by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health (NIH), through Grant Number U24MD015970. The contents of this site are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH

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