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Cheryl Albright, PhD

Faculty RankProfessor
InstitutionUniversity of Hawaii
AddressOffice of Public Health Studies
University of Hawaii at Manoa
2528 McCarthy Mall
Honolulu HI 96822
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    Other Positions
    InstitutionUniversity of Hawaii
    DepartmentOffice of Public Health Studies

    InstitutionUniversity of Hawaii
    DepartmentSchool of Nursing and Dental Hygiene

    Collapse Biography 
    Collapse awards and honors
    2008 - 2008Behavioral Medicine Fellow, Society of Behavioral Medicine

    Collapse Overview 
    Collapse overview
    Dr. Albright conducts transdisciplinary research spanning the fields of nursing, pediatric oncology, behavioral medicine, health psychology, nutrition, organ donation / transplantation, exercise science, and epidemiology. She has almost 30 years of research experience focused on innovative strategies to promote modification of behavioral risk factors in adults and adolescents. Before coming to the University of Hawaii, she was a senior research scientist at Stanford University School of Medicine’s Prevention Research Center (1984-2003). In 2008 she was elected as a Fellow in the Society of Behavioral Medicine.

    Her research interventions encourage self-management of behavioral risk factors for chronic diseases including: dietary intake (modify high fat/low fiber diets), sedentary behaviors (decrease screen time), physical activity (increase home-based, moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity), and obesity/weight management (weight loss and weight gain prevention). Much of her research involves innovative technology-driven research interventions that have included: websites, text messaging, tailored telephone counseling, and in-home technology such as a television connected to the internet (i.e., Google TV). As a Principal Investigator she has been awarded (2007-present) almost $11 million dollars in federal grants from several institutes at the National Institutes of Health including: NCI, NIDDK, NHLBI, NIDA and HRSA. In addition, she serves as a Co-Investigator on research grants totaling an additional $40 million dollars (funded by NCI, NINR, DOD, AHRQ, and private foundations such as the Hyundai Hope on Wheels Foundation). Almost all of this research has focused on reducing health disparities for underrepresented ethnic minorities, particularly with respect to interventions to reduce health behavior risk factors in both healthy populations and cancer survivors.

    Dr. Albright has been an instructor and mentor to undergraduate students at the University of Hawaii (UH) and UH graduate students from nursing & public health, as well as: medical students, pediatric residents, and postdoctoral fellows from the fields of health psychology, epidemiology, nutrition, exercise science, health communications, and public health.


    1972 B.A. University of Texas; Austin, Texas
    Major area: Zoology

    1977 B.S. University of Houston; Houston, Texas
    Major area: Psychology

    1982 M.A. University of Houston; Houston, Texas
    Major area: Social Psychology and Behavioral Medicine

    1983 Ph.D. University of Houston; Houston, Texas
    Major area: Social Psychology and Behavioral Medicine

    1986 M.P.H. University of California at Berkeley; Berkeley, California
    Major area: Social Epidemiology

    Research Themes:
    Women’s health, health disparities in ethnic minorities, modification of high risk health behaviors (diet/exercise/sedentary behaviors), primary and secondary prevention strategies (targeting the individual, family, the community/worksite, the built environment, and public health policy).

    Research Focus:
    Technology-based physical activity interventions with multiethnic postpartum women, worksite –based weight management programs, weight loss interventions for multiethnic postpartum women with a history of gestational diabetes, innovative technology interventions to educate ethnic minority teenagers about their decision to become a designated organ donor on their first driver’s license, and EMR-facilitated physician advice to encourage healthy lifestyles (diet/exercise) in adolescent and young adults survivors of childhood cancers.

    Current Research Funding ( as of September 6, 2018):
    2018-present Principal Investigator: Hawaii Department of Health: Tobacco Prevention and Education Program and the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division; Three State Contracts: $625,257 annual direct costs
    Monitoring sales of tobacco and e-cigarettes to underage minors: KATS, FDA, and SYNAR Projects. University of Hawai’i at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

    2017-present Multiple Principal Investigator: NIH, NIMHD (R15 MD011474;9/26/17-5/31/2020) MPI: Clem Ceria-Ulep, PhD, RN. Increasing physical activity in Filipino Lay Leaders School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene University of Hawai’i at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

    2014-present Mentor, NIH, NIMHD (U54 MD007584; 5/1/2015-4/30/2019; $2,045,482, annual direct costs). Research Centers in Minority Institutions -RCMI Multidisciplinary and Translational Research Infrastructure expansion. MPIs: Jerris Hedges, MD, MS. - John A Burns School of Medicine & Noreen Mokuau, DSW – Myron B Thompson School of Social Work, University of Hawai’i, Manoa, HI

    Completed Grants and Contracts at University of Hawaii at Manoa
    2017-2018 Mentor; Robert Wood Johnson Foundation - New Connections Program Examining cross-sector collaboration in built environment initiatives to increase physical activity Principal Investigator: Lehua Choy, PhD Office of Public Health Studies, Myron B Thompson School of Social Work. University of Hawai’I at Manoa, Honolulu, HI

    2014-2018 Principal Investigator. DHHS, HRSA (R39OT26993) Using an Interactive Website, Social Media, and Gamification to Engage/Reframe Deceased Organ Donation for Asian/Pacific Islander College Students. School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene; University of Hawai’i, HI

    2012- 2017 Co-Investigator, NIH, NCI (1 PO1 CA168530-01, 9/1/2012-8/13/2017). Obesity, Body Fat Distribution, and Cancer Risk in the Multiethnic Cohort. Co-PIs: Loic LeMarchand, MD, PhD & Unhee Lim, PhD. Epidemiology Program. University of Hawai’i Cancer Center; Honolulu, HI

    2015-2017 Co-Investigator, NIH/NIDDK (R21DK105413; 7/1/2015-6/30/2017) Brain – Gut Microbiome-Visceral Adiposity Relationships in Multiethnic Adults
    Multiple PIs: Unhee Lim, PhD1, Linda Chang, MD2, and Meredith Hullar, PhD3
    1 Cancer Epidemiology Program at UH Cancer Center and
    2 Department of Medicine at John A Burns School of Medicine
    University of Hawai’i at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
    3 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle WA

    2011- 2015 Co-Investigator, NIH, NCI (1R01CA154644, 9/1/2011- 8/31/2015). Obesogenic environment: impact on breast, colorectal, and prostate cancer risk. PI: Iona Cheng, Ph.D., Cancer Prevention Institute of California, Freemont, CA.

    2014-2014 Multiple-Principal Investigator. HMSA Foundation; 1/1/2014-12/31/2014; ($95,231 annual direct costs) Evidence-based methods to increase patients’ commitment to their health. Multiple-PI: Michael Nagoshi, MD. John A Burns School of Medicine, Office of Medical Education. School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene; University of Hawai’i, Manoa, HI

    2007- 2013 Principal Investigator, NIH, NIDDK (R01 DK079684; 7/1/2007-7/31/2013;) Multimedia intervention to motivate ethnic minority teens to be designated organ donors on first driver’s license 9/2009 – 11/2011 -ARRA Administrative Supplement, R01 (DK079684-03S1) School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene; University of Hawai’i, Manoa, HI

    2010-2013 Multiple-Principal Investigator, Sub-contract: Hyundai Hope on Wheels Foundation Scholars Award (6/1/2012-12/30/2013; $47,227). Reducing obesity in survivors of childhood cancer using an electronic medical record-facilitated clinical management program. Managed by the Hawaii Pacific Health Foundation; Honolulu, HI.
    Multiple-PI: Randal Wada, MD -School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene; UH-Manoa, HI

    2010-2013 Principal Investigator, NIH, NIDA (9R42 DA031402; 9/1/2010- 8/31/2013). A Home Exercise Program for Women with infants & young children . Phase II Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) grant between the UH School of Nursing & Dental Hygiene, Honolulu, HI and Klein Bluendel, Inc., Golden, CO.

    2010-2013 Subcontract Principal Investigator, USDHHS; Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (R01 HS019367; 9/1/2010-8/31/2013) Comparative effectiveness of diabetes prevention strategies in women with gestational diabetes. PI: Assiamira Ferrara, MD, Kaiser Permanente Oakland, Kaiser Foundation Research Inst., Oakland, CA

    2007- 7/2012 Principal Investigator, NIH, NCI (R01 CA115614; 9/29/2007-7/31/2012). Physical Activity in Women with Infants 7/2009- 7/2012 ARRA Administrative Supplement, NCI (R01 CA115614–03S1)
    Recruitment and evaluation of postpartum women with a history of gestational diabetes response to a physical activity intervention and the evaluation of sedentary behavior in an ethnic minority sample of postpartum women.
    UH School of Nursing & Dental Hygiene

    2008- 2012 Research Core Leader, NIH, NINR (P20NR010671; 9/30/2007-6/30/2012)
    Center for `Ohana Self-Management of Chronic Illnesses in Hawaii (COSMIC): Building Research Teams for the Future PI: Jillian Inouye, PhD, APRN; UH School of Nursing & Dental Hygiene

    2008- 2011 Project III Co-Leader, Dept. of Defense (W81XWH-06-2-0042, 1/1/2008-6/1/2011; $595,258)
    A web-based intervention to improve quality of life and promote healthy behaviors in adult cancer survivors. Leader of Project III: Erin Bantum, PhD. PI: Carl Vogel, MD; University of Hawaii Cancer Center, Honolulu, Hawaii

    2008- 2010 Principal Investigator, NIH, NHLBI (STTR-Phase I, R41HL091592; 9/5/2008- 2/28/2010; $198,162). A Home Exercise Program for Women with Infants and Young Children. Phase 1, Small Business Technology Transfer Grant (STTR) between the University of Hawaii Cancer Center; Honolulu, Hawaii and Klein Bluendel, Inc; Golden, Colorado

    2004-2009 Subcontract Principal Investigator, NIH, NHLBI (R01 HL079505, 9/30/04-9/30/09)Work, Weight, and Wellness –The 3W Project. A worksite weight management program for hotel workers. PI: Thomas Vogt, MD, PhD
    Kaiser Center for Health Research Hawaii, Honolulu, HI

    2004-2008 Subcontract Principal Investigator, NIH, NIDDK (R01 DK062659) Bayanihan Project (Increasing organ donation in Filipinos from Hawaii) PI: Linda Wong, MD; John A. Burns School of Medicine; UH Cancer Center; Honolulu, HI

    2004-2008 Co-Investigator, NIH, NCI (R01 CA106744; )Evaluating Errors in Reported use of Dietary Supplements
    PI: Suzanne Murphy, PhD. University of Hawai’i Cancer Center; Honolulu, HI

    Collapse Research 
    Collapse research activities and funding
    R03CA078184     (ALBRIGHT, CHERYL LYNN)Sep 30, 1998 - Sep 29, 2000
    Role: Principal Investigator

    R01DK079684     (ALBRIGHT, CHERYL LYNN)Aug 1, 2007 - Jul 31, 2013
    Multimedia intervention to motivate ethnic teens to be designated donors
    Role: Principal Investigator

    R01CA115614     (ALBRIGHT, CHERYL LYNN)Sep 29, 2007 - Jul 31, 2012
    Physical Activity in Women with Infants
    Role: Principal Investigator

    R42DA031402     (ALBRIGHT, CHERYL LYNN)Jan 1, 2008 - Nov 30, 2013
    A Home Exercise Program (DVD) for Women with Infants and Young Children
    Role: Principal Investigator

    R41HL091592     (ALBRIGHT, CHERYL LYNN)Sep 5, 2008 - Feb 28, 2010
    A Home Exercise Program (DVD) for Women with Infants and Young Children
    Role: Principal Investigator

    R15MD011474     (CERIA-ULEP, CLEMENTINA DEVERA)Sep 26, 2017 - May 31, 2021
    Increasing Physical Activity in Filipino lay leaders
    Role: Co-Principal Investigator

    Collapse Bibliographic 
    Collapse selected publications
    Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.
    Newest   |   Oldest   |   Most Cited   |   Most Discussed   |   Timeline   |   Field Summary   |   Plain Text
    PMC Citations indicate the number of times the publication was cited by articles in PubMed Central, and the Altmetric score represents citations in news articles and social media. (Note that publications are often cited in additional ways that are not shown here.) Fields are based on how the National Library of Medicine (NLM) classifies the publication's journal and might not represent the specific topic of the publication. Translation tags are based on the publication type and the MeSH terms NLM assigns to the publication. Some publications (especially newer ones and publications not in PubMed) might not yet be assigned Field or Translation tags.) Click a Field or Translation tag to filter the publications.
    1. Ramsey M, Oberman N, Quesenberry CP, Kurtovich E, Gomez Chavez L, Chess A, Brown SD, Albright CL, Bhalala M, Badon SE, Avalos LA. A Tailored Postpartum eHealth Physical Activity Intervention for Individuals at High Risk of Postpartum Depression-the POstpartum Wellness Study (POW): Protocol and Data Overview for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Res Protoc. 2024 Oct 29; 13:e56882. PMID: 39470705.
    2. Kostareva U, Soo Hoo CA, Zeng SM, Albright CL, Ceria-Ulep CD, Fontenot HB. Understanding Professional Medical Interpreters' Perspectives on Advancing Accurate and Culturally Informed Patient-Provider Communication for Filipinos in Hawai'i: Qualitative Analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023 11 02; 20(21). PMID: 37947568.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    3. Hale FB, Fontenot HB, Davis JW, Albright CL. Mental Illness as a Predictor of Subjective Happiness Among University Employees Working in Hawai'i. J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv. 2024 May; 62(5):39-48. PMID: 37879086.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    4. Brown SD, Hedderson MM, Gordon N, Albright CL, Tsai AL, Quesenberry CP, Ferrara A. Reach, acceptability, and perceived success of a telehealth diabetes prevention program among racially and ethnically diverse patients with gestational diabetes: the GEM cluster-randomized trial. Transl Behav Med. 2022 07 18; 12(7):793-799. PMID: 35849139.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    5. Kostareva U, Albright CL, Berens EM, Klinger J, Ivanov LL, Guttersrud ?, Liu M, Sentell TL. Health literacy in former Soviet Union immigrants in the US: A mixed methods study. Appl Nurs Res. 2022 10; 67:151598. PMID: 35710612.
      Citations: 2     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    6. DeRouen MC, Tao L, Shariff-Marco S, Yang J, Shvetsov YB, Park SY, Albright CL, Monroe KR, Le Marchand L, Wilkens LR, Gomez SL, Cheng I. Neighborhood Obesogenic Environment and Risk of Prostate Cancer: The Multiethnic Cohort. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2022 05 04; 31(5):972-981. PMID: 35506246.
      Citations: 4     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    7. Steffen AD, Wilkens LR, Yonemori KM, Albright CL, Murphy SP. A Dietary Supplement Frequency Questionnaire Correctly Ranks Nutrient Intakes in US Older Adults When Compared to a Comprehensive Dietary Supplement Inventory. J Nutr. 2021 08 07; 151(8):2486-2495. PMID: 34038542.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    8. Mau MKLM, Minami CM, Stotz SA, Albright CL, Kana'iaupuni SM, Guth HK. Qualitative study on voyaging and health: perspectives and insights from the medical officers during the Worldwide Voyage. BMJ Open. 2021 07 07; 11(7):e048767. PMID: 34233995.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    9. Kostareva U, Albright CL, Berens EM, Polansky P, Kadish DE, Ivanov LL, Sentell TL. A Multilingual Integrative Review of Health Literacy in Former Soviet Union, Russian-Speaking Immigrants. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 01 14; 18(2). PMID: 33466671.
      Citations: 5     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    10. Felicilda-Reynaldo RFD, Choi SY, Driscoll SD, Albright CL. A National Survey of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use for Treatment Among Asian-Americans. J Immigr Minor Health. 2020 Aug; 22(4):762-770. PMID: 31583560.
      Citations: 5     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    11. Kostareva U, Albright CL, Berens EM, Levin-Zamir D, Aringazina A, Lopatina M, Ivanov LL, Sentell TL. International Perspective on Health Literacy and Health Equity: Factors That Influence the Former Soviet Union Immigrants. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 03 24; 17(6). PMID: 32213891.
      Citations: 10     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    12. Shvetsov YB, Shariff-Marco S, Yang J, Conroy SM, Canchola AJ, Albright CL, Park SY, Monroe KR, Le Marchand L, Gomez SL, Wilkens LR, Cheng I. Association of change in the neighborhood obesogenic environment with colorectal cancer risk: The Multiethnic Cohort Study. SSM Popul Health. 2020 Apr; 10:100532. PMID: 31909167.
    13. Albright CL, Wilkens LR, Saiki K, White KK, Steffen AD. Mediators of a 12-month change in physical activity in ethnically diverse sample of postpartum women. Transl J Am Coll Sports Med. 2019 Oct; 4(19):215-224. PMID: 31984225.
    14. Wada RK, Wong L, Flohr A, Kurahara D, Arndt R, Deutsch MJ, Ing D, Richardson K, Munro A, Kaneshige L, Mullis M, Hatae M, Albright CL. Engaging a Community Chaplaincy Resource for Interprofessional Health Care Provider Training in Facilitating Family Decision Making for Children at End-of-Life. Hawaii J Med Public Health. 2019 06; 78(6 Suppl 1):37-40. PMID: 31285967.
      Citations: 2     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    15. Dela Cruz MRI, Braun KL, Tsark JAU, Albright CL, Chen JJ. HPV vaccination prevalence, parental barriers and motivators to vaccinating children in Hawai'i. Ethn Health. 2020 10; 25(7):982-994. PMID: 29745749.
      Citations: 18     Fields:    Translation:HumansPHPublic Health
    16. Conroy SM, Shariff-Marco S, Yang J, Hertz A, Cockburn M, Shvetsov Y, Clarke CA, Albright CL, Haiman CA, Le Marchand L, Kolonel LN, Monroe KR, Wilkens LR , Gomez SL,Cheng I. . Cancer Causes and Control. Characterizing the neighborhood obesogenic environment in the Multiethnic Cohort: a multi-level infrastructure for cancer health disparities research. 2018; (1): 167-183.
    17. Dela Cruz MR, Braun KL, Tsark JU, Albright CL, and Chen, JJ. . Ethnicity and Health. HPV vaccination prevalence, parental barriers and motivators to vaccinating children in Hawai‘i. 2018; (May):1-13.
    18. Taira D, Sentell T, Albright C, Lansidell D, Nakagawa K, Seto T, Stevens JM. Insights in Public Health: Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring: Underuse in Clinical Practice in Hawai'i. Hawaii J Med Public Health. 2017 11; 76(11):314-317. PMID: 29164016.
      Citations: 2     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    19. Dela Cruz MRI, Tsark JAU, Chen JJ, Albright CL, Braun KL. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Motivators, Barriers, and Brochure Preferences Among Parents in Multicultural Hawai'i: a Qualitative Study. J Cancer Educ. 2017 Sep; 32(3):613-621. PMID: 26951482.
      Citations: 22     Fields:    Translation:HumansPHPublic Health
    20. Canchola AJ, Shariff-Marco S, Yang J, Albright C, Hertz A, Park SY, Shvetsov YB, Monroe KR, Le Marchand L, Gomez SL, Wilkens LR, Cheng I. Association between the neighborhood obesogenic environment and colorectal cancer risk in the Multiethnic Cohort. Cancer Epidemiol. 2017 10; 50(Pt A):99-106. PMID: 28850934.
      Citations: 10     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    21. Conroy SM, Clarke CA, Yang J, Shariff-Marco S, Shvetsov YB, Park SY, Albright CL, Hertz A, Monroe KR, Kolonel LN, Marchand LL, Wilkens LR, Gomez SL, Cheng I. Contextual Impact of Neighborhood Obesogenic Factors on Postmenopausal Breast Cancer: The Multiethnic Cohort. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2017 04; 26(4):480-489. PMID: 28143808.
      Citations: 19     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    22. Dela Cruz MR, Tsark JA, Soon R, Albright CL, Braun KL. Insights in Public Health: Community Involvement in Developing a Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Brochure Made for Parents in Hawai'i. Hawaii J Med Public Health. 2016 07; 75(7):203-7. PMID: 27437166.
      Citations: 3     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    23. Ferrara A, Hedderson MM, Brown SD, Albright CL, Ehrlich SF, Tsai AL, Caan BJ, Sternfeld B, Gordon NP, Schmittdiel JA, Gunderson EP, Mevi AA, Herman WH, Ching J, Crites Y, Quesenberry CP. The Comparative Effectiveness of Diabetes Prevention Strategies to Reduce Postpartum Weight Retention in Women With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: The Gestational Diabetes' Effects on Moms (GEM) Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. Diabetes Care. 2016 Jan; 39(1):65-74. PMID: 26657945.
      Citations: 78     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    24. Albright CL, Saiki K, Steffen AD, Woekel E. What barriers thwart postpartum women's physical activity goals during a 12-month intervention? A process evaluation of the Na Mikimiki Project. Women Health. 2015; 55(1):1-21. PMID: 25402618.
      Citations: 13     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    25. Albright CL, Steffen AD, Wilkens LR, White KK, Novotny R, Nigg CR, Saiki K, Brown WJ. Effectiveness of a 12-month randomized clinical trial to increase physical activity in multiethnic postpartum women: results from Hawaii's Na Mikimiki Project. Prev Med. 2014 Dec; 69:214-23. PMID: 25285751.
      Citations: 17     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    26. Bantum EO, Albright CL, White KK, Berenberg JL, Layi G, Ritter PL, Laurent D, Plant K, Lorig K. Surviving and thriving with cancer using a Web-based health behavior change intervention: randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. 2014 Feb 24; 16(2):e54. PMID: 24566820.
      Citations: 71     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    27. Williams AE, Stevens VJ, Albright CL, Nigg CR, Meenan RT, Vogt TM. The results of a 2-year randomized trial of a worksite weight management intervention. Am J Health Promot. 2014 May-Jun; 28(5):336-9. PMID: 24524385.
      Citations: 8     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    28. Ferrara A, Hedderson MM, Albright CL, Brown SD, Ehrlich SF, Caan BJ, Sternfeld B, Gordon NP, Schmittdiel JA, Gunderson EP, Mevi AA, Tsai AL, Ching J, Crites Y, Quesenberry CP. A pragmatic cluster randomized clinical trial of diabetes prevention strategies for women with gestational diabetes: design and rationale of the Gestational Diabetes' Effects on Moms (GEM) study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2014 Jan 15; 14:21. PMID: 24423410.
      Citations: 39     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    29. Lim U, Wilkens LR, Albright CL, Novotny R, Le Marchand L, Kolonel LN. University of Hawai'i Cancer Center Connection: bias in self-reported anthropometry in relation to adiposity and adulthood weight gain among postmenopausal Caucasian and Japanese American Women. Hawaii J Med Public Health. 2013 Dec; 72(12):445-9. PMID: 24377081.
      Citations: 8     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    30. Wada RK, Glaser DW, Bantum EO, Orimoto T, Steffen AD, Elia JL, Albright CL. Hawai'i's multiethnic adolescent and young adult survivors of childhood cancer: are their health behavior risks similar to state and national samples? Hawaii J Med Public Health. 2013 Nov; 72(11):380-5. PMID: 24251083.
      Citations: 9     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    31. Schembre SM, Cheng I, Wilkens LR, Albright CL, Marchand le L. Variations in bitter-taste receptor genes, dietary intake, and colorectal adenoma risk. Nutr Cancer. 2013; 65(7):982-90. PMID: 24083639.
      Citations: 17     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    32. Wong LL, Hernandez BY, Albright CL. Socioeconomic factors affect disparities in access to liver transplant for hepatocellular cancer. J Transplant. 2012; 2012:870659. PMID: 23304446.
    33. Lim U, Turner SD, Franke AA, Cooney RV, Wilkens LR, Ernst T, Albright CL, Novotny R, Chang L, Kolonel LN, Murphy SP, Le Marchand L. Predicting total, abdominal, visceral and hepatic adiposity with circulating biomarkers in Caucasian and Japanese American women. PLoS One. 2012; 7(8):e43502. PMID: 22912885.
      Citations: 40     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    34. Albright CL, Schembre SM, Steffen AD, Wilkens LR, Monroe KR, Yonemori KM, Murphy SP. Differences by race/ethnicity in older adults' beliefs about the relative importance of dietary supplements vs prescription medications: results from the SURE Study. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2012 Aug; 112(8):1223-9. PMID: 22818730.
      Citations: 5     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    35. Lim U, Ernst T, Wilkens LR, Albright CL, Lum-Jones A, Seifried A, Buchthal SD, Novotny R, Kolonel LN, Chang L, Cheng I, Le Marchand L. Susceptibility variants for waist size in relation to abdominal, visceral, and hepatic adiposity in postmenopausal women. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2012 Jul; 112(7):1048-55. PMID: 22889634.
      Citations: 7     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    36. Schembre SM, Albright CL, Lim U, Wilkens LR, Murphy SP, Novotny R, Ernst T, Chang L, Kolonel LN, Le Marchand L. Associations between weight-related eating behaviors and adiposity in postmenopausal Japanese American and white women. Physiol Behav. 2012 Jul 16; 106(5):651-6. PMID: 22561211.
      Citations: 5     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    37. Novotny R, Chen C, Williams AE, Albright CL, Nigg CR, Oshiro CE, Stevens VJ. US acculturation is associated with health behaviors and obesity, but not their change, with a hotel-based intervention among Asian-Pacific Islanders. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2012 May; 112(5):649-56. PMID: 22709769.
      Citations: 12     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    38. Wong LL, Hernandez B, Kwee S, Albright CL, Okimoto G, Tsai N. Healthcare disparities in Asians and Pacific Islanders with hepatocellular cancer. Am J Surg. 2012 Jun; 203(6):726-32. PMID: 22227170.
      Citations: 13     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    39. Albright CL, Steffen AD, Novotny R, Nigg CR, Wilkens LR, Saiki K, Yamada P, Hedemark B, Maddock JE, Dunn AL, Brown WJ. Baseline results from Hawaii's Na Mikimiki Project: a physical activity intervention tailored to multiethnic postpartum women. Women Health. 2012; 52(3):265-91. PMID: 22533900.
      Citations: 25     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    40. Layi G, Albright CA, Berenberg J, Plant K, Ritter P, Laurent D, Lorig K, Bantum EO. UH Cancer Center Hotline: Recruiting cancer survivors for an online health-behavior change intervention: are different strategies more beneficial? Hawaii Med J. 2011 Oct; 70(10):222-3. PMID: 22162599.
      Citations: 5     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    41. Schembre SM, Nigg CR, Albright CL. Race/ethnic differences in desired body mass index and dieting practices among young women attending college in Hawai'i. Hawaii Med J. 2011 Jul; 70(7 Suppl 1):32-6. PMID: 21886291.
      Citations: 4     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    42. Murphy SP, Wilkens LR, Monroe KR, Steffen AD, Yonemori KM, Morimoto Y, Albright CL. Dietary supplement use within a multiethnic population as measured by a unique inventory method. J Am Diet Assoc. 2011 Jul; 111(7):1065-72. PMID: 21703385.
      Citations: 10     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    43. Lim U, Ernst T, Buchthal SD, Latch M, Albright CL, Wilkens LR, Kolonel LN, Murphy SP, Chang L, Novotny R, Le Marchand L. Asian women have greater abdominal and visceral adiposity than Caucasian women with similar body mass index. Nutr Diabetes. 2011 May 09; 1:e6. PMID: 23449381.
      Citations: 85     Fields:    
    44. Ferrara A, Hedderson MM, Albright CL, Ehrlich SF, Quesenberry CP, Peng T, Feng J, Ching J, Crites Y. A pregnancy and postpartum lifestyle intervention in women with gestational diabetes mellitus reduces diabetes risk factors: a feasibility randomized control trial. Diabetes Care. 2011 Jul; 34(7):1519-25. PMID: 21540430.
      Citations: 115     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    45. Inouye J, Boland MG, Nigg CR, Sullivan K, Leake A, Mark D, Albright CL. A center for self-management of chronic illnesses in diverse groups. Hawaii Med J. 2011 Jan; 70(1):4-8. PMID: 21225588.
      Citations: 5     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    46. Albright CL, Wong LL, Dela Cruz MR, Sagayadoro T. Choosing to be a designated organ donor on their first driver's license: actions, opinions, intentions, and barriers of Asian American and Pacific Islander adolescents in Hawaii. Prog Transplant. 2010 Dec; 20(4):392-400. PMID: 21265293.
      Citations: 2     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    47. Meenan RT, Vogt TM, Williams AE, Stevens VJ, Albright CL, Nigg C. Economic evaluation of a worksite obesity prevention and intervention trial among hotel workers in Hawaii. J Occup Environ Med. 2010 Jan; 52 Suppl 1:S8-13. PMID: 20061889.
      Citations: 17     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    48. Nigg CR, Albright C, Williams R, Nichols C, Renda G, Stevens VJ, Vogt TM. Are physical activity and nutrition indicators of the checklist of health promotion environments at worksites (CHEW) associated with employee obesity among hotel workers? J Occup Environ Med. 2010 Jan; 52 Suppl 1:S4-7. PMID: 20061886.
      Citations: 5     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    49. Bantum EO, Albright C, Gabriela L, Berenberg J. Surviving cancer and thriving: impacting health behaviors for people who have survived cancer. Hawaii Med J. 2009 Jul; 68(6):140-1. PMID: 19653426.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    50. Albright CL, Maddock JE, Nigg CR. Increasing physical activity in postpartum multiethnic women in Hawaii: results from a pilot study. BMC Womens Health. 2009 Mar 03; 9:4. PMID: 19254387.
      Citations: 14     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    51. Albright CL, Steffen AD, Wilkens LR, Henderson BE, Kolonel LN. The prevalence of obesity in ethnic admixture adults. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2008 May; 16(5):1138-43. PMID: 18356848.
      Citations: 11     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    52. Sallis JF, King AC, Sirard JR, Albright CL. Perceived environmental predictors of physical activity over 6 months in adults: activity counseling trial. Health Psychol. 2007 Nov; 26(6):701-9. PMID: 18020842.
      Citations: 42     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    53. Williams AE, Vogt TM, Stevens VJ, Albright CA, Nigg CR, Meenan RT, Finucane ML. Work, Weight, and Wellness: the 3W Program: a worksite obesity prevention and intervention trial. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2007 Nov; 15 Suppl 1:16S-26S. PMID: 18073338.
      Citations: 16     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    54. Sutton NM, Suzuki TM, Della D, Albright C, O'Riordan DL. Involving Hawai'i's youth as partners in global health initiatives to impact change at the local level. Hawaii Med J. 2007 Sep; 66(9):248-9. PMID: 20879470.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    55. Albright CL, Wong LL, Dela Cruz MR, Abe L, Sagayadoro T. Factors associated with organ donation in Filipino Americans: results from Hawai'i's Bayanihan Project. Hawaii Med J. 2007 Jul; 66(7):181-4. PMID: 17879855.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    56. Albright CL, Steffen A, Wilkens LR, Henderson BE, Kolonel LN. Body mass index in monoracial and multiracial adults: results from the multiethnic cohort study. Ethn Dis. 2007; 17(2):268-73. PMID: 17682357.
      Citations: 5     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    57. Ehlert MB, Gumataotao AP, Workman RL, Albright CL, David AM. Community leader support for tobacco control activities & policies on Guam. Pac Health Dialog. 2006 Sep; 13(2):71-8. PMID: 18181393.
      Citations: 2     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    58. Albright CL, Glanz K, Wong L, Dela Cruz MR, Abe L, Sagayadoro TL. Knowledge and attitudes about deceased donor organ donation in Filipinos: a qualitative assessment. Transplant Proc. 2005 Dec; 37(10):4153-8. PMID: 16387067.
      Citations: 6     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    59. Albright CL, Pruitt L, Castro C, Gonzalez A, Woo S, King AC. Modifying physical activity in a multiethnic sample of low-income women: one-year results from the IMPACT (Increasing Motivation for Physical ACTivity) project. Ann Behav Med. 2005 Dec; 30(3):191-200. PMID: 16336070.
      Citations: 50     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    60. Urizar GG, Hurtz SQ, Ahn DK, King AC, Albright CL, Atienza AA. Influence of maternal stress on successful participation in a physical activity intervention: the IMPACT Project. Women Health. 2005; 42(4):63-82. PMID: 16782676.
      Citations: 14     Fields:    Translation:HumansCTClinical Trials
    61. Albright C, Maddock JE, Nigg CR. Physical activity before pregnancy and following childbirth in a multiethnic sample of healthy women in Hawaii. Women Health. 2005; 42(3):95-110. PMID: 16901890.
      Citations: 48     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    62. Collins R, Lee RE, Albright CL, King AC. Ready to be physically active? The effects of a course preparing low-income multiethnic women to be more physically active. Health Educ Behav. 2004 Feb; 31(1):47-64. PMID: 14768657.
      Citations: 21     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    63. Norman S, Castro C, Albright C, King A. Comparing acculturation models in evaluating dietary habits among low-income Hispanic women. Ethn Dis. 2004; 14(3):399-404. PMID: 15328942.
      Citations: 18     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    64. Albright CL. Risk associated with obesity and its related lifestyle factors: what about cancer? Hawaii Med J. 2003 Nov; 62(11):256-9. PMID: 14702768.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    65. Glanz K, Tziraki C, Albright CL, Fernandes J. Nutrition assessment and counseling practices: attitudes and interests of primary care physicians. J Gen Intern Med. 1995 Feb; 10(2):89-92. PMID: 7730945.
      Citations: 7     Fields:    Translation:Humans
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