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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Canino, Glorisa
overview Dr. Canino is the Director of the Behavioral Sciences Research Institute, which is under the office of the Dean of Academic Affairs at the School of Medicine, University of Puerto Rico. Dr. Canino holds a Master in Psychology from the University of Puerto Rico and a Doctorate in Psychology from Temple University. She has been the principal investigator of several psychiatric epidemiological studies that have been carried out on the island since 1984. Presently, she is the Principal investigator of a grant designed to investigate Health Disparities among Latino and Afro-Caribbeans (p60 MD002261-01), a continuation of a former EXPORT Center (P20 MD000537). She is also the research director and a co-investigator for the Latino Research Program Project (LRPP) (Dr. Alegria is PI) which is now doing a pilot study on ethnic differences in perceived impairment and need for care (P50 MH073469-03). Dr. Canino is also the co- Principal investigator for a study on the interplay between genes and the environment in infant development (R01 HD0496685-01, Dr. Silberg co-PI), the co-Principal Investigator for a study assessing the genetics of asthma and obesity (R01 HL079966-03, Dr. Celedon co-PI) and the co-Principal investigator of an intervention for depressed Latina mothers with children with asthma (Dr. McQuaid co-PI). She was a past reviewer (1992-1997) of the peer review committee of the Psychopathology Child and Adolescent Treatment Branch of the National Institute of Mental Health and a reviewer and member of the editorial board of several scientific and peer review journals. Dr. Canino has published several papers in peer-reviewed journals in the areas of cross-cultural child and adult psychiatric epidemiology, as well as on the service utilization patterns and barriers to care faced by Latino children and adults. She has also published substantially in the area of instrument psychometrics, particularly as it relates to the adaptation and translation of instruments to the Latino culture. For the past 18 years, she has been a leading Latino researcher in the field of psychiatric epidemiology, and psychometrics after having carried out four major psychiatric epidemiologic surveys on the island of Puerto Rico and has translated and tested several diagnostic and service utilization measures. She has collaborated with several investigators in the U.S. and abroad in the analyses of data sets and in the translation and adaptation of instruments. In 2006, Dr. Canino was appointed by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health Services to serve as a member of the National Advisory Mental Health Council, at the National Institute of Health (NIH). In that same year (2006) she also became a member of the DSM V workgroup on Externalizing Disorders. Recently, Dr. Canino received the Rema Lapouse Award, at the APHA 137th Annual Meeting and Exposition in Philadelphia 2009, which is granted to outstanding scientists in the area of psychiatric epidemiology.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Canino, Glorisa
Item TypeName
Academic Article The role of caregivers' depressive symptoms and asthma beliefs on asthma outcomes among low-income Puerto Rican children.
Academic Article Ethnic differences in somatic symptom reporting in children with asthma and their parents.
Academic Article Maternal mental health and childhood asthma among Puerto Rican youth: the role of prenatal smoking.
Academic Article Cultural-related, contextual, and asthma-specific risks associated with asthma morbidity in urban children.
Academic Article Ethnic differences in perceived impairment and need for care.
Academic Article Does the prevalence of CD and ODD vary across cultures?
Academic Article Perceived discrimination and antisocial behaviors in Puerto Rican children.
Academic Article The development of a community-based family asthma management intervention for Puerto Rican children.
Academic Article Parental psychosocial stress and asthma morbidity in Puerto Rican twins.
Academic Article Short-term persistence of DSM-IV ADHD diagnoses: influence of context, age, and gender.
Academic Article Recruiting Latino and non-Latino families in pediatric research: considerations from a study on childhood disability.
Academic Article Ataques de Nervios and their psychiatric correlates in Puerto Rican children from two different contexts.
Academic Article Ethnic differences in perception of lung function: a factor in pediatric asthma disparities?
Academic Article Ataques de nervios and somatic complaints among island and mainland Puerto Rican children.
Academic Article Child and family psychiatric and psychological factors associated with child physical health problems: results from the Boricua youth study.
Academic Article Trauma, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and alcohol-use initiation in children.
Academic Article ADHD across cultures: is there evidence for a bidimensional organization of symptoms?
Academic Article Disparities in asthma medication dispensing patterns: the case of pediatric asthma in Puerto Rico.
Academic Article Psychological and school functioning of Latino siblings of children with intellectual disability.
Academic Article Natural disaster and risk of psychiatric disorders in Puerto Rican children.
Academic Article Parental familism and antisocial behaviors: development, gender, and potential mechanisms.
Academic Article Access to and use of asthma health services among Latino children: the Rhode Island-Puerto Rico asthma center study.
Academic Article The role of caregiver major depression in the relationship between anxiety disorders and asthma attacks in island Puerto Rican youth and young adults.
Academic Article Immigration and acculturation-related factors and asthma morbidity in Latino children.
Academic Article Occurrence and correlates of overweight and obesity among island Puerto Rican youth.
Academic Article Barriers to Prescribing Controller Anti Inflammatory Medication among Puerto Rican Asthmatic Children with Public Insurance: Results of National Survey of Pediatricians.
Academic Article Asthma outcomes: symptoms.
Academic Article Factors associated with disparities in emergency department use among Latino children with asthma.
Academic Article Vitamin D insufficiency and severe asthma exacerbations in Puerto Rican children.
Academic Article Genome-wide association analysis of circulating vitamin D levels in children with asthma.
Academic Article Family influences on the long term post-disaster recovery of Puerto Rican youth.
Academic Article The longitudinal relationship between parental reports of asthma and anxiety and depression symptoms among two groups of Puerto Rican youth.
Academic Article Parental numeracy and asthma exacerbations in Puerto Rican children.
Academic Article Validation of the "World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule for children, WHODAS-Child" in Rwanda.
Academic Article Asthma and suicidal ideation and behavior among Puerto Rican older children and adolescents.
Academic Article Do Puerto Rican youth with asthma and obesity have higher odds for mental health disorders?
Academic Article The health status of youth in Puerto Rico.
Academic Article Starting from scratch: the development of the Adolescent Quality of Life-Mental Health Scale (AQOL-MHS).
Academic Article Childhood maltreatment among Hispanic women in the United States: an examination of subgroup differences and impact on psychiatric disorder.
Academic Article African ancestry and lung function in Puerto Rican children.
Academic Article Medication adherence among Latino and non-Latino white children with asthma.
Academic Article Mouse allergen, lung function, and atopy in Puerto Rican children.
Academic Article Ethnic differences in caregiver quality of life in pediatric asthma.
Academic Article ADCYAP1R1 and asthma in Puerto Rican children.
Academic Article Peer deviance, social support, and symptoms of internalizing disorders among youth exposed to Hurricane Georges.
Academic Article A twin study of early-childhood asthma in Puerto Ricans.
Academic Article Contextual risk and promotive processes in Puerto Rican youths' internalizing trajectories in Puerto Rico and New York.
Academic Article Measurement properties of the Adolescent Quality of Life Mental Health Scale (AQOL-MHS).
Academic Article Obesity and adiposity indicators, asthma, and atopy in Puerto Rican children.
Academic Article Pediatric asthma management within Latino and non-Latino White families.
Academic Article Underdiagnosis of allergic rhinitis in underserved children.
Academic Article The role of alternate caregivers in the management of pediatric asthma.
Academic Article Factors associated with recruitment and retention of diverse children with asthma.
Academic Article Breastfeeding duration and asthma in Puerto Rican children.
Academic Article Mouse allergen exposure and decreased risk of allergic rhinitis in school-aged children.
Academic Article Proximity to a major road, vitamin D insufficiency, and severe asthma exacerbations in Puerto Rican children.
Academic Article School and Community Influences on the Long Term Post-Disaster Recovery of Children and Youth Following Hurricane Georges.
Academic Article Expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) mapping in Puerto Rican children.
Academic Article Trajectories of Delinquency among Puerto Rican Children and Adolescents at Two Sites.
Academic Article Prematurity, atopy, and childhood asthma in Puerto Ricans.
Academic Article Complementary and alternative medicine use and adherence to asthma medications among Latino and non-Latino white families.
Academic Article Fungal exposure, atopy, and asthma exacerbations in Puerto Rican children.
Academic Article Shared genetic and environmental influences on early temperament and preschool psychiatric disorders in Hispanic twins.
Academic Article Stress and Bronchodilator Response in Children with Asthma.
Academic Article Parent-Child Relationship Quality and Gender as Moderators of the Influence of Hurricane Exposure on Physical Health Among Children and Youth.
Academic Article Exposure to gun violence and asthma among children in Puerto Rico.
Academic Article A Genome-Wide Association Study of Post-bronchodilator Lung Function in Children with Asthma.
Academic Article Socio-Cultural Context and Bulling Others in Childhood.
Academic Article Gun Violence, African Ancestry, and?Asthma: A Case-Control Study in Puerto Rican Children.
Academic Article Use of Health Services by Maltreated Children in Two Different Sociocultural Contexts: Where Can Doors for Interventions Be Opened?
Academic Article Obesity and Airway Dysanapsis in Children with and without Asthma.
Academic Article Association of Types of Life Events with Depressive Symptoms among Puerto Rican Youth.
Academic Article An epigenome-wide association study of total serum IgE in Hispanic children.
Academic Article Genome-wide interaction study of dust mite allergen on lung function in children with asthma.
Academic Article Diet, interleukin-17, and childhood asthma in Puerto Ricans.
Academic Article Folate Deficiency, Atopy, and Severe Asthma Exacerbations in Puerto Rican Children.
Academic Article Trajectories of Sensation Seeking Among Puerto Rican Children and Youth.
Academic Article Effectiveness of a multi-level asthma intervention in increasing controller medication use: a randomized control trial.
Academic Article Association of child maltreatment and depressive symptoms among Puerto Rican youth.
Academic Article Childhood Adversity and Early Initiation of Alcohol Use in Two Representative Samples of Puerto Rican Youth.
Academic Article Parental warmth and psychiatric disorders among Puerto Rican children in two different socio-cultural contexts.
Academic Article Maternal depressive symptoms, maternal asthma, and asthma in school-aged children.
Academic Article Sleep, Depressive/Anxiety Disorders, and Obesity in Puerto Rican Youth.
Academic Article Proximity to a Major Road and Plasma Cytokines in School-Aged Children.
Academic Article Rationale and design of the multiethnic Pharmacogenomics in Childhood Asthma consortium.
Academic Article Cockroach allergen exposure and plasma cytokines among children in a tropical environment.
Academic Article Family Structure, Transitions and Psychiatric Disorders Among Puerto Rican Children.
Academic Article Combined effects of multiple risk factors on asthma in school-aged children.
Academic Article Developmental Psychopathology in a Racial/Ethnic Minority Group: Are Cultural Risks Relevant?
Academic Article Diet, Lung Function, and Asthma Exacerbations in Puerto Rican Children.
Academic Article Research Review: Intergenerational transmission of disadvantage: epigenetics and parents' childhoods as the first exposure.
Academic Article Do parenting behaviors modify the way sensation seeking influences antisocial behaviors?
Academic Article DNA methylation in nasal epithelium, atopy, and atopic asthma in children: a genome-wide study.
Academic Article A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of asthma in Puerto?Ricans.
Academic Article A Multiomics Approach to Identify Genes Associated with Childhood Asthma Risk and Morbidity.
Academic Article Vitamin D insufficiency, plasma cytokines, and severe asthma exacerbations in school-aged children.
Academic Article Children exposed to alcohol-related problems and DSM-5 alcohol use disorder in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Academic Article Vitamin D insufficiency, TH2 cytokines, and allergy markers in Puerto Rican children with asthma.
Academic Article Family Influences on the Relationship Between Hurricane Exposure and Ataques de Nervios.
Academic Article Evidence of concurrent and prospective associations between early maltreatment and ADHD through childhood and adolescence.
Academic Article Parental incarceration during childhood and later delinquent outcomes among Puerto Rican adolescents and young adults in two contexts.
Academic Article Annual SO2 exposure, asthma, atopy, and lung function in Puerto Rican children.
Academic Article Transcriptome-wide and differential expression network analyses of childhood asthma in nasal epithelium.
Academic Article Development, Psychopathology, and Ethnicity II: Psychiatric Disorders Among Young Adults.
Academic Article Developmental Psychopathology and Ethnicity I: The Young Adulthood Assessment of the Boricua Youth Study.
Academic Article Transcriptomics of atopy and atopic asthma in white blood cells from children and adolescents.
Academic Article Under-diagnosis of atopic dermatitis in Puerto Rican children.
Academic Article An integrative association method for omics data based on a modified Fisher's method with application to childhood asthma.
Academic Article Suicide Attempts and Course of Suicidal Ideation among Puerto Rican Early Adolescents.
Academic Article Developmental Trends in Sexual Attraction Among Puerto Rican Early Adolescents in Two Contexts.
Academic Article Whole Genome Sequencing Identifies CRISPLD2 as a Lung Function Gene in Children With Asthma.
Academic Article The longitudinal effect of early-life sensation seeking on gambling and gambling problems among Puerto Rican young adults.
Academic Article Pharmacogenomic associations of adverse drug reactions in asthma: systematic review and research prioritisation.
Academic Article Nasal DNA methylation profiling of asthma and rhinitis.
Academic Article Exposure to violence, chronic stress, asthma, and bronchodilator response in Puerto Rican children.
Academic Article Traffic-related Air Pollution, Dust Mite Allergen, and Childhood Asthma in Puerto Ricans.
Academic Article Does childhood mental health service use predict subsequent mental health service use during Latino youth transition to young adulthood? Evidence from the Boricua Youth Study.
Academic Article Childhood Adversity and Sleep Disturbances: Longitudinal Results in Puerto Rican Children.
Academic Article A novel whole blood gene expression signature for asthma, dermatitis, and rhinitis multimorbidity in children and adolescents.
Academic Article Childhood Adversity and Pubertal Development Among Puerto Rican Boys and Girls.
Academic Article Risk factors for atopic and nonatopic asthma in Puerto Rican children.
Academic Article Expression Quantitative Trait Methylation Analysis Reveals Methylomic Associations With Gene Expression in Childhood Asthma.
Academic Article Methodological challenges in assessing children's mental health services utilization.
Academic Article Stimulant and psychosocial treatment of ADHD in Latino/Hispanic children.
Academic Article Comorbidity of asthma and anxiety and depression in Puerto Rican children.
Academic Article Understanding caregivers' help-seeking for Latino children's mental health care use.
Academic Article Parental mental health, childhood psychiatric disorders, and asthma attacks in island Puerto Rican youth.
Academic Article Childhood asthma, chronic illness, and psychiatric disorders.
Academic Article Association of psychiatric disorders and different indicators of asthma in island Puerto Rican children.
Academic Article The DSM-IV rates of child and adolescent disorders in Puerto Rico: prevalence, correlates, service use, and the effects of impairment.
Academic Article Are somatic symptoms and related distress more prevalent in Hispanic/Latino youth? Some methodological considerations.
Academic Article Are ataques de nervios in Puerto Rican children associated with psychiatric disorder?
Academic Article Association between parental and individual psychiatric/substance use disorders and smoking stages among Puerto Rican adolescents.
Academic Article Hispanic drug abuse in an evolving cultural context: an agenda for research.
Academic Article Gender disparities in mental health service use of Puerto Rican children and adolescents.
Academic Article A study of disruptive behavior disorders in Puerto Rican youth: I. Background, design, and survey methods.
Academic Article A study of disruptive behavior disorders in Puerto Rican youth: II. Baseline prevalence, comorbidity, and correlates in two sites.
Academic Article Prevalence and victimization correlates of pathological dissociation in a community sample of youths.
Academic Article Asthma disparities in the prevalence, morbidity, and treatment of Latino children.
Academic Article Longitudinal development of antisocial behaviors in young and early adolescent Puerto Rican children at two sites.
Academic Article Multiple urban and asthma-related risks and their association with asthma morbidity in children.
Academic Article Association between psychiatric disorders and smoking stages within a representative clinic sample of Puerto Rican adolescents.
Academic Article Association between psychiatric disorders and smoking stages among Latino adolescents.
Academic Article The Brief Impairment Scale (BIS): a multidimensional scale of functional impairment for children and adolescents.
Academic Article Examining minor and major depression in adolescents.
Academic Article Comorbidity between asthma attacks and internalizing disorders among Puerto Rican children at one-year follow-up.
Academic Article Childhood depressive symptoms and early onset of alcohol use.
Academic Article Persistence of mental health service use among Latino children: a clinical and community study.
Academic Article Area of residence, birthplace, and asthma in Puerto Rican children.
Academic Article ADHD and gender: are risks and sequela of ADHD the same for boys and girls?
Academic Article Reducing asthma health disparities in poor Puerto Rican children: the effectiveness of a culturally tailored family intervention.
Academic Article Prevalence and factors associated to sexual behavior in Puerto Rican adolescents.
Academic Article 25 years of child and adult psychiatric epidemiology studies in Puerto Rico.
Academic Article Psychiatric diagnosis - is it universal or relative to culture?
Academic Article Violence, abuse, and asthma in Puerto Rican children.
Academic Article Longitudinal mental health service and medication use for ADHD among Puerto Rican youth in two contexts.
Academic Article Predicting child maltreatment among Puerto Rican children from migrant and non-migrant families.
Academic Article Conundrums in childhood asthma severity, control, and health care use: Puerto Rico versus Rhode Island.
Academic Article Beliefs and barriers to medication use in parents of Latino children with asthma.
Academic Article ADHD correlates, comorbidity, and impairment in community and treated samples of children and adolescents.
Academic Article Culture and psychiatric symptoms in Puerto Rican children: longitudinal results from one ethnic group in two contexts.
Academic Article Latino caregivers' beliefs about asthma: causes, symptoms, and practices.
Academic Article Suicidal behaviors among adolescents in puerto rico: rates and correlates in clinical and community samples.
Concept Child
Concept Child Abuse
Concept Child Abuse, Sexual
Concept Child Behavior
Concept Child Behavior Disorders
Concept Child Day Care Centers
Concept Child Health Services
Concept Child Reactive Disorders
Concept Child, Preschool
Concept Father-Child Relations
Concept Mother-Child Relations
Concept Parent-Child Relations
Concept Child of Impaired Parents
Concept Disabled Children
Academic Article Indoor endotoxin, proximity to a major roadway, and severe asthma exacerbations among children in Puerto Rico.
Academic Article A genome-wide association study of severe asthma exacerbations in Latino children and adolescents.
Academic Article Maternal Depressive Symptoms, Lung Function, and Severe Asthma Exacerbations in Puerto Rican Children.
Academic Article Exposure to violence, chronic stress, nasal DNA methylation, and atopic asthma in children.
Academic Article Do Trajectories of Sensation Seeking Vary by Sex and Child Maltreatment Subtypes?
Academic Article A genome-wide study of DNA methylation in white blood cells and asthma in Latino children and youth.
Academic Article ADHD and risk for subsequent adverse childhood experiences: understanding the cycle of adversity.
Academic Article Severity and Frequency of Antisocial Behaviors: Late Adolescence/Young Adulthood Antisocial Behavior Index.
Academic Article Testosterone-to-estradiol ratio and lung function in a prospective study of Puerto Rican youth.
Academic Article Exposure to violence, chronic stress, nasal DNA methylation, and atopic asthma in children.
Academic Article Outcomes of serious antisocial behavior from childhood to early adulthood in two Puerto Rican samples in two contexts.
Academic Article Violence-related distress and lung function in two longitudinal studies of youth.
Academic Article How Ethnic Minority Context Alters the Risk for Developing Mental Health Disorders and Psychological Distress for Latinx Young Adults.
Academic Article Diet, Asthma, and Severe Asthma Exacerbations in a Prospective Study of Puerto Rican Youth.
Academic Article Adverse childhood experiences and perceived stress in early adulthood in the context of disadvantage.
Academic Article A Longitudinal Study of Risk Factors for Sexual Victimization in Puerto Rican Youth.
Academic Article Espiritismo and Santeria: a gateway to child mental health services among Puerto Rican families?
Academic Article Persistent overweight or obesity, lung function, and asthma exacerbations in Puerto Rican youth.
Academic Article Differential gene expression in nasal airway epithelium from overweight or obese youth with asthma.
Academic Article Genome-wide association study in minority children with asthma implicates DNAH5 in bronchodilator responsiveness.
Academic Article Does Context and Adversity Shape Sexual Behavior in Youth? Findings from Two Representative Samples of Puerto Rican Youth.
Academic Article Incidence rates of childhood asthma with recurrent exacerbations in the US Environmental influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) program.
Academic Article Low parental numeracy and severe asthma exacerbations in a prospective study of Puerto Rican youth.
Academic Article Adverse Childhood Experiences and Risk Patterns of Alcohol and Cannabis Co-Use: A Longitudinal Study of Puerto Rican Youth.
Academic Article Exposure to violence and asthma in Puerto Rican youth with high Th2 immunity.
Academic Article Cis- and trans-eQTM analysis reveals novel epigenetic and transcriptomic immune markers of atopic asthma in airway epithelium.
Academic Article Gas stove use and asthma in a longitudinal study of Puerto Rican children and adolescents.
Academic Article Nasal epithelial gene expression and total IgE in children and adolescents with asthma.
Academic Article Parental psychopathology and posttraumatic stress in Puerto Ricans: the role of childhood adversity and parenting practices.
Academic Article Social vulnerability index, poverty, and asthma in a prospective study of Puerto Rican youth.
Academic Article Adverse Childhood Experiences and Sleep Disturbances Among Puerto Rican Young Adults.
Search Criteria
  • Child
RCMI CC is supported by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health (NIH), through Grant Number U24MD015970. The contents of this site are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH

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