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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Calzo, Jerel
keywords LGBTQ health; adolescence; CBPR; eating disorders; substance use
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Calzo, Jerel
Item TypeName
Concept Adolescent
Concept Adolescent Behavior
Concept Pregnancy in Adolescence
Concept Adolescent Development
Grant Eating Disorders and Adolescent Body Image Among Boys and Sexual Minorities
Academic Article "Anything from making out to having sex": men's negotiations of hooking up and friends with benefits scripts.
Academic Article Retrospective recall of sexual orientation identity development among gay, lesbian, and bisexual adults.
Academic Article Body satisfaction, weight gain and binge eating among overweight adolescent girls.
Academic Article The development of associations among body mass index, body dissatisfaction, and weight and shape concern in adolescent boys and girls.
Academic Article Eating disorder symptoms and obesity at the intersections of gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation in US high school students.
Academic Article Childhood gender nonconformity, bullying victimization, and depressive symptoms across adolescence and early adulthood: an 11-year longitudinal study.
Academic Article Weight misperception and unhealthy weight control behaviors among sexual minorities in the general adolescent population.
Academic Article Disparities in safety belt use by sexual orientation identity among US high school students.
Academic Article Physical activity disparities in heterosexual and sexual minority youth ages 12-22 years old: roles of childhood gender nonconformity and athletic self-esteem.
Academic Article The unjustified doubt of add health studies on the health disparities of non-heterosexual adolescents: comment on Savin-Williams and Joyner (2014).
Academic Article Sexual orientation disparities in BMI among U.S. adolescents and young adults in three race/ethnicity groups.
Academic Article Contextualizing gay-straight alliances: student, advisor, and structural factors related to positive youth development among members.
Academic Article Gay-Straight Alliances vary on dimensions of youth socializing and advocacy: factors accounting for individual and setting-level differences.
Academic Article Patterns of body image concerns and disordered weight- and shape-related behaviors in heterosexual and sexual minority adolescent males.
Academic Article Childhood hyperactivity/inattention and eating disturbances predict binge eating in adolescence.
Academic Article Adolescent Eating Disorders Predict Psychiatric, High-Risk Behaviors and Weight Outcomes in Young Adulthood.
Academic Article Social norms theory and concussion education.
Academic Article Contributions of parents, peers, and media to attitudes toward homosexuality: investigating sex and ethnic differences.
Academic Article Applying a pattern-centered approach to understanding how attachment, gender beliefs, and homosociality shape college men's sociosexuality.
Academic Article Development of muscularity and weight concerns in heterosexual and sexual minority males.
Academic Article Sexual-orientation disparities in substance use in emerging adults: a function of stress and attachment paradigms.
Academic Article Masculine boys, feminine girls, and cancer risk behaviors: an 11-year longitudinal study.
Academic Article Concussion under-reporting and pressure from coaches, teammates, fans, and parents.
Academic Article Sexual Minority Stressors, Internalizing Symptoms, and Unhealthy Eating Behaviors in Sexual Minority Youth.
Academic Article Promoting Youth Agency Through Dimensions of Gay-Straight Alliance Involvement and Conditions that Maximize Associations.
Academic Article Gay-Straight Alliances as settings to discuss health topics: individual and group factors associated with substance use, mental health, and sexual health discussions.
Academic Article Developmental Latent Patterns of Identification as Mostly Heterosexual Versus Lesbian, Gay, or Bisexual.
Academic Article Parental Sexual Orientation and Children's Psychological Well-Being: 2013-2015 National Health Interview Survey.
Academic Article Concussion reporting, sex, and conformity to traditional gender norms in young adults.
Academic Article Gender Expression, Violence, and Bullying Victimization: Findings From Probability Samples of High School Students in 4 US School Districts.
Academic Article Teen Pregnancy Risk Factors Among Young Women of Diverse Sexual Orientations.
Academic Article Fostering youth self-efficacy to address transgender and racial diversity issues: The role of gay-straight alliances.
Academic Article Gay-Straight Alliance Involvement and Youths' Participation in Civic Engagement, Advocacy, and Awareness-Raising.
Academic Article Alcohol Use and Disordered Eating in a US Sample of Heterosexual and Sexual Minority Adolescents.
Academic Article Unpacking the Bulk: The Need to Contextualize Weight Gain Attempts Among Adolescent Boys.
Academic Article Self-reported eating disorders and sleep disturbances in young adults: a prospective cohort study.
Academic Article Development of youth advocacy and sociopolitical efficacy as dimensions of critical consciousness within gender-sexuality alliances.
Academic Article "It's Just a Band-Aid on Something No One Really Wants to See or Acknowledge": A Photovoice Study with Transitional Aged Youth Experiencing Homelessness to Examine the Roots of San Diego's 2016-2018 Hepatitis A Outbreak.
Academic Article Erectile Dysfunction in a Sample of Sexually Active Young Adult Men from a U.S. Cohort: Demographic, Metabolic and Mental Health Correlates.
Academic Article Gender Expression, Peer Victimization, and Disordered Weight-Control Behaviors Among U.S. High School Students.
Academic Article Gender expression associated with BMI in a prospective cohort study of US adolescents.
Academic Article Gender Conformity and Use of Laxatives and Muscle-Building Products in Adolescents and Young Adults.
Academic Article Male Eating Disorder Symptom Patterns and Health Correlates From 13 to 26 Years of Age.
Academic Article Eating disorder behaviours amongst adolescents: investigating classification, persistence and prospective associations with adverse outcomes using latent class models.
Academic Article Anabolic Steroid Misuse Among US Adolescent Boys: Disparities by Sexual Orientation and Race/Ethnicity.
Academic Article Associations of Timing of Sexual Orientation Developmental Milestones and Other Sexual Minority Stressors with Internalizing Mental Health Symptoms Among Sexual Minority Young Adults.
Academic Article Child Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Cohort Study.
Academic Article Person-Environment Fit and Positive Youth Development in the Context of High School Gay-Straight Alliances.
Academic Article Prospective health associations of drive for muscularity in young adult males.
Academic Article Sex of sexual partners and disordered weight control behaviors in a nationally representative sample of South Korean adolescents.
Academic Article Sexual orientation disparities in eating disorder symptoms among adolescent boys and girls in the UK.
Academic Article Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Adolescent Health: An Interprofessional Case Discussion.
Academic Article Gender Expression and Sexual Orientation Differences in Diet Quality and Eating Habits from Adolescence to Young Adulthood.
Academic Article Diet Pill and Laxative Use for Weight Control and Subsequent Incident Eating Disorder in US Young Women: 2001-2016.
Academic Article Greater Engagement in Gender-Sexuality Alliances (GSAs) and GSA Characteristics Predict Youth Empowerment and Reduced Mental Health Concerns.
Academic Article The association of disordered eating with health-related quality of life in U.S. young adults and effect modification by gender.
Academic Article Disparities in eating disorder risk and diagnosis among sexual minority college students: Findings from the national Healthy Minds Study.
Academic Article Depression, Anxiety, and Interest in Mental Health Resources in School-Based Gender-Sexuality Alliances: Implications for Sexual and Gender Minority Youth Health Promotion.
Academic Article Gender-sexuality alliance membership and activities: associations with students' comfort, confidence and awareness regarding substance use resources.
Academic Article The Course of Weight/Shape Concerns and Disordered Eating Symptoms Among Adolescent and Young Adult Males.
Academic Article Feasibility and Acceptability of a Theater-Based HIV Prevention Workshop Developed by and for LGBTQ Youth.
Academic Article The Substance and Circumstances of Race and Immigration Talk in High School Gender and Sexuality Alliances.
Academic Article Eating disorder screening and treatment experiences in transgender and gender diverse young adults.
Academic Article A Mixed-Methods Examination of the Unique Associations of Gender-Sexuality Alliance Involvement and Family Support on Bravery in Sexual and Gender Minority Youth.
Academic Article Internalization of muscularity and thinness ideals: Associations with body dissatisfaction, eating disorder symptoms, and muscle dysmorphic symptoms in at risk sexual minority men.
Academic Article GSA Advocacy Predicts Reduced Depression Disparities Between LGBQ+ and Heterosexual Youth in Schools.
Academic Article Gender-Sexuality Alliance Advisors' Self-Efficacy to Address Transgender Issues: An Interpersonal Protective Factor for Transgender Student Depression.
Academic Article Engagement in Gender-Sexuality Alliances Predicts Youth's Positive and Negative Affect: An 8-Week Weekly Diary Study.
Academic Article Housing status as a social determinant of disparities in adolescent smoking, vaping, and dual use of cigarettes and e-cigarettes.
Academic Article Gender-Sexuality Alliance meeting experiences predict weekly variation in hope among LGBTQ+ youth.
Academic Article Binge drinking disparities by gender identity, race, and ethnicity in California secondary schools.
Academic Article Complicating critical discussions in gender sexuality alliances: Youth desire for intersectional conversations and the experience of fragmentation.
Academic Article How Gender-Sexuality Alliances cultivate a sense of school belonging from week to week for LGBTQ+ youth.
Academic Article Gender-Sexuality Alliance Experiences and LGBTQ+ Inclusive School Policies and Practices Predict Youth's School Belonging.
Academic Article Gay-Straight Alliances as Settings for Youth Inclusion and Development: Future Conceptual and Methodological Directions for Research on These and Other Student Groups in Schools.
Search Criteria
  • Adolescent
RCMI CC is supported by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health (NIH), through Grant Number U24MD015970. The contents of this site are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH

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