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Search Results (23)

Altered glutamatergic metabolism and activated glia: biomarkers for neuropathic pain?Academic Article Why?
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy to assess neuroinflammation and neuropathic pain.Academic Article Why?
Reducing and eliminating neuropathic pain.Academic Article Why?
Injury-Induced Effectors of Neuropathic Pain.Academic Article Why?
MDA7: a novel selective agonist for CB2 receptors that prevents allodynia in rat neuropathic pain models.Academic Article Why?
Mechanisms for Reducing Neuropathic Pain.Academic Article Why?
Morphine: axon regeneration, neuroprotection, neurotoxicity, tolerance, and neuropathic pain.Academic Article Why?
Platelet-rich plasma and the elimination of neuropathic pain.Academic Article Why?
The role of glial-neuronal metabolic cooperation in modulating progression of multiple sclerosis and neuropathic pain.Academic Article Why?
Inducing Ulnar Nerve Function while Eliminating Claw Hand and Reducing Chronic Neuropathic Pain.Academic Article Why?
Pilot Analyses of Interferon Subtype Expression Profiles in Patients with Herpes Zoster or Postherpetic Neuralgia.Academic Article Why?
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for chronic post-herpetic neuralgia.Academic Article Why?
Activation of Membrane Estrogen Receptors Attenuates NOP-Mediated Tactile Antihypersensitivity in a Rodent Model of Neuropathic Pain.Academic Article Why?
Earlier radiosurgery leads to better pain relief and less medication usage for trigeminal neuralgia patients: an international multicenter study.Academic Article Why?
A randomized, double-blind, controlled study of NGX-4010, a capsaicin 8% dermal patch, for the treatment of painful HIV-associated distal sensory polyneuropathy.Academic Article Why?
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  • Neuropathic pain
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RCMI CC is supported by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health (NIH), through Grant Number U24MD015970. The contents of this site are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH

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